Historija Podkategorija posvećena Interovoj prošlošću |
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06-05-2009 | #31 |
slažem se i ja al to su gluposti, neke usporesbe blesave, ne možeš uspoređivat takve stvari
"It will be born here, at the "Orologio (Watch)" restaurant, meeting place of artists and it will be always a team of great talent. On this splendid night it's colours will be given: The black and the blue with a golden background of the stars. It will be called Internazionale, because we are brothers of the world." ________________________________________________________ |
06-05-2009 | #32 |
Golden member
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Bugojno
Age: 34
Posts: 11,181
tu su negdje, ali bez riberyja ne mozemo biti bolji od '89tke, mislim da su bili za nijansu bolji, ipak 6-5
06-05-2009 | #33 |
jeste da tad nisam bio ni u planu al po nekim snimcima i statistici sto sam pregledao po youtube-u inter.it-u itd... ja bih stavio
ovako cesar-zenga cisto ko suza (x) Bergomi-Maicon hm nisam siguran maicon je jos mlad ali nek bude ipak je bergomi jedna od najvecih legendi kluba (1) Andrea Mandorlini v Walter Samuelbolji je walter bar po meni (2) Riccardo Ferri v Christian Chivukako sam video bolji je ferri prvenstveno zbog chivuovih cestih povreda (1) Andreas Brehme v Davide Santonovde je breme bolji nemogu se usporedjivati on i santon jer ipak davide tek je 18 napunio a breme je bio jedan od najboljih na svojoj poziciji svih vremena (1) Gianfranco Matteoli v Javier Zanetti ovde naravno zanetti svi znaju zasto to se nemora spominjati (2) Alessandro Bianchi v Esteban Cambiasso tekodje slicno kao i sa zanettijem (2) Lothar Matthaus v Sulley Muntari (1) Nicola Berti v Dejan Stankovic neznam bas dobro nicolu bertia nesto malo sam o njemu video pa mi je zato deki ispred njega (2) Ramon Diaz v Mario Balotellibalotelli je jos mlad mora puno da uci da bi postao dobar napadac sada je dobar ali ima jos mnogo da napreduje.ipak je Diaz malo bio bolji ali neznaci da ga balotelli nece nadmasiti (1) Aldo Serena v Zlatan Ibrahimovic dva velika igraca lideri u svojim generacijama ali ipak je ibra ibra (2) Giovanni Trapattoni-Jose Mourinho the special one (2) 6-7 |
06-05-2009 | #34 |
Golden member
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Bugojno
Age: 34
Posts: 11,181
imas 3-4 kiksa, tako da je opet bolji '89 - po meni za 1
cambi x, stank daaj ba, jose x ipak se nije jos dokazao |
06-05-2009 | #35 |
btw ove usporedbe mogu vršiti samo on koji su GLEDALI Inter '89, od kud ti vanja znaš nešto o Mandorliniju? bar po tebi bolji samuel a? jesi li ga gledao?
I T D . . .
"It will be born here, at the "Orologio (Watch)" restaurant, meeting place of artists and it will be always a team of great talent. On this splendid night it's colours will be given: The black and the blue with a golden background of the stars. It will be called Internazionale, because we are brothers of the world." ________________________________________________________ |
06-05-2009 | #36 | |
Golden member
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Bugojno
Age: 34
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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEUysWvHvxs |
06-05-2009 | #37 |
a tek bertijev protiv bayerna? pfff
"It will be born here, at the "Orologio (Watch)" restaurant, meeting place of artists and it will be always a team of great talent. On this splendid night it's colours will be given: The black and the blue with a golden background of the stars. It will be called Internazionale, because we are brothers of the world." ________________________________________________________ |
06-05-2009 | #38 |
Golden member
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Bugojno
Age: 34
Posts: 11,181
heheheh, evo nasao sam ga
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGNZxBZZhBY ali nekako, prije su bili bolji navijaci, cuj sada nema ni baklji pff |
06-05-2009 | #39 |
gledao sam ja dosta toga skoro o svima po youtube-u dobro nisam bas o mandorliniju al sta drugo da kazem za njega
06-05-2009 | #40 | |
jaoo koji legendarni gol, a legendarni bruno pizzul, to je bio pravi komentator, danas više nema takvih
"It will be born here, at the "Orologio (Watch)" restaurant, meeting place of artists and it will be always a team of great talent. On this splendid night it's colours will be given: The black and the blue with a golden background of the stars. It will be called Internazionale, because we are brothers of the world." ________________________________________________________ |
12-05-2009 | #41 |
nemam pojma di da ovo stavim pa nek bude ovdje
ajmo burdi roštiljaj!!
"It will be born here, at the "Orologio (Watch)" restaurant, meeting place of artists and it will be always a team of great talent. On this splendid night it's colours will be given: The black and the blue with a golden background of the stars. It will be called Internazionale, because we are brothers of the world." ________________________________________________________ |
12-05-2009 | #42 |
Golden member
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Bugojno
Age: 34
Posts: 11,181
heheh, i samuel dobro rostilja, mah argentinci
12-05-2009 | #43 |
hehe daaa da, to samo argentinci znaju tako dobro hah zato Moratti mora kupovat konstantno kojeg argentinca jer ne može izostat sa tih roštiljanja tolko mu se sviđa
al znaš to mi je najdraže vidit svih skupa kako se nađu na roštilju, to je prava zajednica, ekipa, klapa strašni su
"It will be born here, at the "Orologio (Watch)" restaurant, meeting place of artists and it will be always a team of great talent. On this splendid night it's colours will be given: The black and the blue with a golden background of the stars. It will be called Internazionale, because we are brothers of the world." ________________________________________________________ |
12-05-2009 | #44 |
Team legend
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Mostar
Posts: 3,368
Ma moraju kod mene na rostilj doc
13-05-2009 | #45 |
Team star
pa to je snimak ko zna od kad...vidite da je Adri svinja jos tu
GRAZIE JOSE! кој не скокне ова ale ale Горан !!!!! |